I know The Dyer's are much overdue for a new post so I apologize! We have been super busy this summer.
Lets see, in July my sister and sister-in-law both had their baby within four days of each other and Rachel Camp was right in the middle too! That was a pretty hectic few weeks for us all the while interviewing with a church in Las Vegas and getting a job offer from another church in St. Louis. With much prayer we felt that God was leading us to leave our home in Kansas City and move across the country to Fabulous Las Vegas. Now let me tell you that it took the work of the Lord to convince me that we should turn down a perfectly good job that is close to friends and family and accept a job in the dessert! There was no way I was going to move that far away from my family and friends to a place I knew nothing about! God has been so good and faithful to us in this new season of our life. As many of you know Danny did accept the job at awonderful church in Henderson, NV just 15 minutes east of the Las Vegas Strip. We couldn't be more thrilled to be apart of such a Grace filled church. God answered my prayer and we couldn't be more happy. Everything has just worked out perfectly and we know without a doubt this is the right decision.
So for the two weeks we have been up early and working late into the night. Word of advice, don't buy a fixer upper if you can't afford to pay someone to do some of the work :) (unless you are the Camp's and can do anything)! We have worked so hard and all of our work has clearly payed off. Our Realtors were pretty impressed with the amount of work we got done in such a short time but we can't take all the credit. Our family has been such a wonderful help! They have worked so hard helping us get our house together. We could not have done any of it without them! Thanks guys for all your work.
Now with a finished, clean and clutter free house we are kind of enjoying it! Isn't that how it always goes...lol! We have been working on our house for 4 years and now it's finally done just in time to sell. Oh well, I'm happy to let someone else love and enjoy this house. I really am going to miss this house. This was the first house me and Danny lived in together and it was Maddie's first house too! So it's a bittersweet feeling but most sweet! ;)
It is pretty nerve racking to have your house on the market! The house we made our home will be critiqued by other people. What if they don't like the house? What if they don't like our style? What if no one buys it? There are just so many things that go through your mind. I'm just ready to be done with it but I'm trying to savor as many last memories as I can.
Goodbyes are hard and it seems like we have been doing a lot of that lately and will be doing more in a couple weeks! We had to say goodbye to our dog Lulu (and we still miss her a lot), said bye to a lot of childhood stuff that we had no need for, my first car, and soon to our friends and family! I'm not looking forward to doing the last one! I hate saying bye because I hate crying in front of people. It doesn't to be an emotional person that cries at just about anything.
Even though we are very sad to leave our friends and family we are so excited to venture as a family and do life together with great people at Central Christian Church. God has lead us to Vegas and we intend to faithfully follow!
Now on to the nest subject: Maddie
Maddie is now 9 months old! I can't believe it. She is just growing and getting such a fun little personality. She is always smiling and talking away (screaming is more like it--sorry Kingston!). She even does this cute little thing when she is playing with something and it sounds like she is whispering to it! Now when do little girls get attitudes because I'm pretty sure mine was born with one, but that's part of the adventure i guess.
She is crawling now and is super fast. She loves the stairs (yikes) and the kitchen cabinets! She loves to pull up on anything she can just so she can stand up and walk. She must think she is a big girl already but I'm not ready for that just yet. We are just loving each new stage and having such a blast with our cuddly girl. We couldn't be more happy!!
I know this was a long post and probably had quite a few grammatical errors. Danny wasn't here to edit so I apologize to all those grammar fanatics out there who are cringing at my post, Danny included!